
This blog contains my thoughts on sound eating. I am a Nutritionist and Advanced Home Cook--meaning I love food and I love to cook. I have two kids, 13 and 14 (Lord, help me!), and a wonderful husband whom I love to cook nutritious food for (and some not so healthy food, in moderation, of course). My concern is that most of us in our affluent nation are malnourished, and keep searching for an answer that only exacerbates the problem. My hope is to help people by sharing tips, recipes, and nutritional information for every person who struggles to get delicious, nutritious food on the table. I hope it helps!

Monday, March 8, 2010


I am embarking on one of my best weeks EVER! Chad and I are into our first day of a seven day cleanse, "cleansing" our bodies of toxins. I am so excited about this because I feel like it is a step in the direction of wholeness and wellness that I have yet to take.

If you have read my previous blog entries, you know that I believe in eating everything natural (and not poisonous) in moderation...alcohol, coffee, red meat, dairy products, etc. all included. However, sometimes we have food intolerances to these things that we don't know about until we eliminate them from out diet. An intolerance can take the form of bloating, skin problems, excessive gas, constipation, fatique, and muscle aches, and who does not have those from time to time.

This week, we are removing caffeine, red meat, alcohol, dairy, eggs, wheat, and sugar from our diet. I started out this morning with a hot cup of herbal tea, a vegetable protein and fruit shake and a small handful of almonds. It was good! After I finish writing this, I am going to the gym for a nice cardio workout and a sit down in the sauna, with lots of water in between. Then I will hit the oxygen bar at our salon and tan for about 8 minutes--we own a tanning salon for those of you who don't know that already. I will go by the grocery store to pick up some produce, beans, nut butter, fish, chicken, and grains. As I write this, I can't believe what I am saying, so if you think I am a little off the mark, you are not alone!

I will let you know how it goes. I am suppose to suffer a little at first...slight headache (lack of caffeine) and fatique (toxins coming out). Hopefully, that will only last a day or two. Then I am suppose to have more energy, more trips to the bathroom, and a sense of well being. If you are interested at all in a cleanse, check out the article "The Doable Detox" in the March issue of Natural Health magazine--thank you, Tammy!


  1. Good luck to you and Chad. I'm looking forward to reading your updates.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good Luck! I have done 28 day cleanses for the past 2 years, about every three months. You'll feel great when you're done. :)
    This is Lisa T I deleted it before by accident.UGH!
