
This blog contains my thoughts on sound eating. I am a Nutritionist and Advanced Home Cook--meaning I love food and I love to cook. I have two kids, 13 and 14 (Lord, help me!), and a wonderful husband whom I love to cook nutritious food for (and some not so healthy food, in moderation, of course). My concern is that most of us in our affluent nation are malnourished, and keep searching for an answer that only exacerbates the problem. My hope is to help people by sharing tips, recipes, and nutritional information for every person who struggles to get delicious, nutritious food on the table. I hope it helps!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cleanse Day #4

I am over the hump, as I have decided to end the cleanse tomorrow. My kids and I are leaving on vacation, and I would rather not be cleansing on vacation! This has been a challenge but worth the sacrifices, if only to know that I can do without many of the less healthy things in my diet.

I had great energy yesterday. The only fatigue I felt was after eating out for dinner, but I did stay on the cleanse. It was probably related to all of the added fat restaurants use.

Yesterday, I had oatmeal and a vegetable protein and fruit shake in the morning with green tea. Then I had a handful of almonds for a snack, and leftover beans with avocado slices for lunch. I had an apple for a snack and spinach enchiladas without cheese for dinner. That was a true sacrifice!

This morning I had a pb&j shake, at least that is what it tasted like to me. It was my normal shake with added peanut butter. Delicious! I will probably have beans and my leftover spinach enchilada for lunch and salmon puttanesca with lentils for dinner.

I will not be updating my blog for the next seven days but will let you know the results of the cleanse upon my return. It is recommended to gradually add the eliminated foods back into my diet. We will see how that goes.

I also want to get back to sharing time-saving tips, recipes, and menus. I am sorry I have been selfish this week and written all about me, but it has helped me to stay accountable. I don't know whether I will ever do a cleanse again. Were the sacrifices worth the gain? I am not convinced of that yet.

My kids keep asking me why I am giving all of these things up that I have told them are healthy, like yogurt, milk, and eggs. My response is that sometimes it is good to leave them out of your diet for a time, but my worry is that I am contradicting myself to them. Ah, the life of a perfectionist mom....

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